Andrea Štulajterová (SK)

Andrea Štulajterová (SK)

Andrea Štulajterová, statutory representative of Občianská cykloiniciatíva Banská Bystrica (OCIBB), is a long-time promoter of cycling and sustainable mobility in Slovakia. She has been actively contributing to their development since 2005. As the founder of OCIBB, she has been behind several successful projects at the local level, including obtaining funding and coordinating the process of creating a Master Plan for Non-motorised Transport for the city of Banská Bystrica. In 2012, she launched the Bike to Work campaign, which has grown from a local initiative to a national phenomenon. Under her leadership, the campaign has enjoyed the support of thousands of participants - municipalities, companies and institutions across the country - for 11 years. Since 2014, she has been the national coordinator of the European Mobility Week campaign, where she inspires and motivates municipalities, organisations and institutions to get actively involved.
