Angela van der Kloof (NL)
MobyconAngela van der Kloof is an enthusiastic strategic consultant with over 20 years’ experience in the mobility field. She knows that planning, promotion and education for cycling are great tools that contribute to people’s health and quality of life, along with thriving places and a good quality of the living environment. She supports municipalities and regions in Europe and beyond, to develop, implement and evaluate mobility policies, plans and programs. She focuses on social aspects of active mobility, so that it creates opportunities for all. Angela is the author of numerous reports, articles and bookchapters / publications. This includes the chapter ‘Programs for Cycling Inclusion’ in the Routledge Companion to Cycling, the Safe Way to School Playbook (commissioned by GIZ Mobility4Cities) and Cycle Friends – the guide for setting up a local intercultural cycling-buddy project. She is also one of the founders of the international Women In Cycling network.